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What is ELEVATE?


ELEVATE is an exciting new program that offers home sellers cost-effective deferred payment options to maximize your homes value, including staging and cosmetic improvement costs.


We understand that sellers only have one chance to make a first impression so we have partnered with the best staging and interior design companies to ELEVATE your home's appearance to get the highest possible sale price.


Just as each home is unique, we offer customized plans for our sellers because we know that there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. We work with our sellers to create a plan that fits the home, budget, and homeowner's aesthetic. Our goal is to find the solution thats best for you.



Which plan is right for me?


The best part of ELEVATE is that you can choose the plan thats best for you. Your agent will discuss the details of each plan with you so that you can decide what fits in your budget because staging can absolutely help sell a home.


According to the National Association of Realtors 2019 Profile of Home Staging, close to 50% of buyers agents reported that staging a home resulted in an increase in the final sales price.


How does it work?


When you're ready to prep your home for market, well work together to evaluate and assess all the opportunities within the home to ELEVATE the listing price. This might include the following services:


  • Staging

  • Hardwood Flooring Repair

  • Painting (Interior & Exterior)

  • Cosmetic Renovations

  • Carpet Replacement

  • Deep-Cleaning

  • De-Cluttering

  • Cabinetry

  • Landscaping

  • Moving & Storage


Contact us today: 

Ranit: 310-699-9523 // Tanya: 310-739-2458 //





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©2022 by Efron // Friedman


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